Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

Categories : Discover Paris, published on : 2/3/25




The Eiffel Tower was created in 1889 for the Paris Universal Exhibition. It was selected from 107 projects presented for this occasion. It will be achieved in a record time of 2 years, 2 months and 5 days.

Originally it was the highest monument in the world and remained so until 1930, representing french technical and industrial know-how.

Before exeperiencing its incredible success, the iron lady was first the subject of pamphlets from great figures such as Guy de Maupassant Alexandre Dumas son. It was subject of criticism such as "Skeleton of a belfry" or 'Truly tragic lammpost".

It was during it's completion on March 31st, 1889 that it met it's great success due its imposition on the parisian landscape. It welcomed 2 million visitors during the Universal Exhibition of 1889.

in order to preserve the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Gustave Eiffel will carry out several tests and experiments to find its usefulness. It will therefore be used for radio transmission during the first worl war, first military then civil. Subsequently it will be used for transmissions for the first television broadcasts.

From 1960, international tourism developed, the Eiffel Tower saw it's number of visitors increase to reach 6 million annual entries in 1998.

In 2024 it will be one of the important places during the Paris Olympic Games. The Olympic rings will be hung there.

Buy your tickets: 

Reaching the Eiffel Tower from the Hôtel De Castiglione:
Take metro 1 from Concorde station to Charles De Gaulle Etoile station.
Get off and take metro 6 to Bir-Hakeim station

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